Sunday, October 18, 2009

Nope, don't do this for work.

Sometimes, if you miss your flight, you can rent a vehicle.
Also, this sketch ate my other sketches.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Here's a naked napoleon.

and I'm working now...ish. hopefully I can post some stuff from work when i get it cleared.

Friday, June 12, 2009

Digital Shudder

Now, I want apple pie.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009


The birth of an earth-maker is helped along by a Caretaker, who is chosen to watch over the child as he grows to keep poachers from taking houses too early. The Caretaker is chosen before the birth so the young earthmaker imprints on the Caretaker in the beginning hours of his new life.

Sunday, May 3, 2009


Yeah, I've been staying up too late too.

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Why Doesn't Mollie Update with More Frequency?

Because I'm re-evaluating things right now. Car accident made my top priority: Not dying.

Anyway, my equilibrium is all thrown to hell, so here's a recent sketchbook page until I get my shit together.
Although there is some good news: I have been asked to be in a gallery show come the end of August/September. Details to follow! Let me know if you want me to put you on the mailing list...I get up to 100 postcards to send.
Cheers. Love me.

Friday, April 10, 2009

From the leaves of an aged journal, found somewhere in the lining of a house, being used as insulation.

“During a late night conversation with Dr. Collabus, I sensed his concern for the colony of Indian Jeweled Starfish he kept as pets. His fear was that the starfish, being unable to move very quickly, would be unable to avoid the monstrous man-eating anemones’ grasp, tragically becoming the anemones’ foodstuffs. Not only did this lead to the reduction of the rare Indian Jeweled Starfish, but also lead to the cessation of hunger in the anemones. Such a depressing thing, as the anemones were to protect the good doctor’s underwater entrance to his lair, and having full anemones means many more callers…”
-- Journal, 1827

Above are an excerpt from a patent application for the Professor’s “Bicycle for Asteroidea” and the later propeller- and chum cannon- fitted “Pod for Asteroidea”. The starfish would attach himself to the starfish-shaped pan with a substance called “strapping gel” which allowed the suction cup feet of the starfish free to operate the machinery. The later pod also had a retractable hatch on the bottom of the craft to allow the starfish to evert the cardiac stomach into prey, or-- in the case of being snared by an anemone or similar predator-- everting the cardiac and digesting the offending predator from the inside out.

**some day, I will color the second. M

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

More animal painting...

More animal paintings from internet photos...

Friday, March 20, 2009


Scary Monkey. Scaronkey.

Dear internet, thanks for providing some images for me to badly copy in watercolor and gouache.
I don't remember where I found said images, but hey...these are from photos...and are practice.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Q. Where do we get Buildings?

A. They are grown on the backs of G. terraforma. The juveniles make larger and more eccentric homes, while the older animals spend more of their energy on producing natural landforms.
Make a note of this in your copy book.

Friday, March 13, 2009


I need to draw more. I was starting to get good when I got out of school and then something happened...don't know what...
the dreaded plateau?

Saturday, February 14, 2009

It's Been A Long Time...

...but I still love you. Have some aht:

Some sketches and Mrs. Lovett, which is also a sketch but with colorsish. The last is loosely based on a girl I went to school with, except she had an entire set of legs. I assume the maid did too, but I ran out of paper.
More to come as soon as I get off my ass and scan some of the pile of sketches I have.